Retail products

Traffic interception SDK

Control every TCP/IP network connection

  • Route connections via proxy
  • Redirect connections and modify the data
  • Block connections and applications
SSL interception SDK

View SSL in plaintext and modify it

  • View the SSL stream decrypted in plaintext
  • Redirect SSL connection and modify decrypted data
  • Browser shows "SSL lock" without warnings


CResourceQueue< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CResourceQueue< T >, including all inherited members.

AddResource(T &rResource)CResourceQueue< T > [virtual]
CErrorHandler(const CErrorHandler &rHandler)CErrorHandler
CResourceQueue(LPDeleteProc pCleanUPProc=NULL, unsigned long ulMaxItems=0)CResourceQueue< T >
DeleteProc typedefCResourceQueue< T >
ErrorCodeToString(DWORD dwErrorCode)CErrorHandler [static]
FormatData(const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMsgOrError, bool bError=true)CErrorHandler [static]
GetClassName() const CErrorHandler [protected]
GetCurrentDateTime()CErrorHandler [static]
GetDataCount() const CResourceQueue< T >
LPDeleteProc typedefCResourceQueue< T >
RegisterError(DWORD dwErrorCode, const std::string &rDescription)CErrorHandler [static]
ReportError(const std::string &rMethod) const CErrorHandler [protected, virtual]
ReportError(const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const CErrorHandler [protected, virtual]
ReportError(const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData) const CErrorHandler [protected, virtual]
ReportError(const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, const std::string &rAdditionalData) const CErrorHandler [protected, virtual]
ReportError(const std::string &rMethod, int iErrorCode) const CErrorHandler [protected, virtual]
ReportError(const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, int iErrorCode) const CErrorHandler [protected, virtual]
ReportErrorOS(const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const CErrorHandler [protected, virtual]
ReportStaticError(const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod)CErrorHandler [protected, static]
ReportStaticError(const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)CErrorHandler [protected, static]
ReportStaticError(const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData)CErrorHandler [protected, static]
ReportStaticErrorOS(const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)CErrorHandler [protected, static]
RequestResource(T &rResource, unsigned long ulTimeout=INFINITE)CResourceQueue< T > [virtual]
SetLocalLog(CErrorLog *pLog)CErrorHandler
SetLog(CErrorLog *pLog)CErrorHandler [static]
SetName(const std::string &rName) const CErrorHandler [protected]
WriteError(const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError) const CErrorHandler
WriteMessage(const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const CErrorHandler
WriteStaticError(const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError)CErrorHandler [static]
~CErrorHandler()CErrorHandler [virtual]
~CResourceQueue()CResourceQueue< T > [virtual]