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Traffic interception SDK

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  • Route connections via proxy
  • Redirect connections and modify the data
  • Block connections and applications
SSL interception SDK

View SSL in plaintext and modify it

  • View the SSL stream decrypted in plaintext
  • Redirect SSL connection and modify decrypted data
  • Browser shows "SSL lock" without warnings


CBlockedBuffer Class Reference

#include <BlockedBuffer.h>

Inheritance diagram for CBlockedBuffer:
Collaboration diagram for CBlockedBuffer:

List of all members.


class  CBlockedData

Public Member Functions

void SendData ()
void AddRecord (const CBlockedData &rRecord)
 CBlockedBuffer (CAsyncSocket *pFather, int iMaxRetries=5)
virtual ~CBlockedBuffer ()
int GetLastError () const
void SetLocalLog (CErrorLog *pLog)
void WriteError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError) const
void WriteMessage (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const

Static Public Member Functions

static int GetErrorCode ()
static int GetSystemLastError ()
static BOOL IsInitialized ()
static unsigned long StringToLong (const std::string &rAddress)
static char FAR * LongToString (unsigned long ulAddr)
static std::string LongToStdString (unsigned long ulAddr)
static BOOL InitializeSockets (BOOL bMultiThreaded=TRUE, unsigned long ulNumberOfThreads=10)
static BOOL ShutdownSockets ()
static unsigned long GetNumberOfThreads ()
static BOOL IsMultiThreaded ()
static CGenericCriticalSectionGetGlobalCriticalSection ()
static unsigned long ResolveDNS (const std::string &rAddress)
static BOOL ValidAddress (const std::string &rAddress)
static std::string GetCurrentDateTime ()
static std::string ErrorCodeToString (DWORD dwErrorCode)
static void RegisterError (DWORD dwErrorCode, const std::string &rDescription)
static void SetLog (CErrorLog *pLog)
static void WriteStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError)
static std::string FormatData (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMsgOrError, bool bError=true)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void NotifyShutdown ()
void RegisterShutdown (CSocketBase *pBase)
void SetLastError (const std::string &rMethod) const
void SetLastError (const std::string &, int iErrorCode) const
const std::string & GetClassName () const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, const std::string &rAdditionalData) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, int iErrorCode) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, int iErrorCode) const
virtual void ReportErrorOS (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
void SetName (const std::string &rName) const

Static Protected Member Functions

static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod)
static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)
static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData)
static void ReportStaticErrorOS (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 52 of file BlockedBuffer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CBlockedBuffer::CBlockedBuffer ( CAsyncSocket pFather,
int  iMaxRetries = 5 

Definition at line 55 of file BlockedBuffer.cpp.

00056                                                 : CSocketBase(),
00057                                                   m_pFather(pFather),
00058                                                   m_pCSection(NULL),
00059                                                   m_iMaxRetries(iMaxRetries)
00060 {
00061     try
00062     {
00063         //Set our name
00064         SetName(CBlockedBuffer_Class);
00066         //Create the CS
00067         m_pCSection=COSManager::CreateCriticalSection();
00068     }
00069     ERROR_HANDLER("CBlockedBuffer")
00070 }

CBlockedBuffer::~CBlockedBuffer (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 72 of file BlockedBuffer.cpp.

00073 {
00074     try
00075     {
00076         //Delete the CS
00077         delete m_pCSection;
00078     }
00079     ERROR_HANDLER("~CBlockedBuffer")
00080 }

Member Function Documentation

void CBlockedBuffer::AddRecord ( const CBlockedData rRecord  ) 

Definition at line 108 of file BlockedBuffer.cpp.

00109 {
00110     try
00111     {
00112         //Lock the vector and add the data
00113         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00115         //Add it
00116         m_aData.push_back(rRecord);
00117     }
00118     ERROR_HANDLER("AddRecord")
00119 }

std::string CErrorHandler::ErrorCodeToString ( DWORD  dwErrorCode  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 218 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00219 {
00220     try
00221     {
00222         //Try to look it in the errors
00223         if (!CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().empty())
00224         {
00225             //Search
00226             CErrorsRepository::ErrorMap::const_iterator aIterator;
00227             aIterator=CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().find(dwErrorCode);
00229             //Do we have it
00230             if (aIterator!=CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().end())
00231                 return aIterator->second;
00232         }
00234         //Get the error string
00235         LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
00236         FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | 
00237                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | 
00238                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
00239                       NULL,
00240                       dwErrorCode,
00241                       MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
00242                       (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
00243                       0,
00244                       NULL);
00246         //Save it
00247         std::string sMessage;
00249         //Do we have the message?
00250         if (lpMsgBuf)
00251         {
00252             //Save it
00253             sMessage=(char*)lpMsgBuf;
00255             //Release the buffer
00256             LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
00257         }
00258         else
00259             //Failed to find
00260             sMessage="No error description found!";
00262         //Done
00263         return sMessage;
00264     }
00265     catch (...)
00266     {
00267         return "Unknown";
00268     }
00269 }

std::string CErrorHandler::FormatData ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMsgOrError,
bool  bError = true 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 140 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00144 {
00145     //Our message
00146     std::string sMsg;
00148     //Is it an error?
00149     if (bError)
00150         sMsg="*** Error *** ";
00151     else
00152         sMsg="###  Msg  ### ";
00154     //Add the data now
00155     sMsg+="in "+rClass;
00156     sMsg+=":"+rMethod;
00157     sMsg+=" - " + rMsgOrError;
00159     //Done
00160     return sMsg;
00161 }

const std::string & CErrorHandler::GetClassName (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented in CSocketThreadManager.

Definition at line 567 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00568 {
00569     return m_sClassName;
00570 }

std::string CErrorHandler::GetCurrentDateTime (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 572 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00573 {
00574     try
00575     {
00576         //Our string
00577         std::string sDate;
00579         //Our tmp buf
00580         char cTmp[128];
00582         //Get date
00583         _strdate(cTmp);
00584         sDate=cTmp;
00585         sDate+=' ';
00587         //Get time
00588         _strtime(cTmp);
00589         sDate+=cTmp;
00591         //Done
00592         return sDate;
00593     }
00594     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CErrorHandler_Class,"GetCurrentDateTime","")
00595 }

int CSocketBase::GetErrorCode (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 368 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00369 {
00370     return SOCKET_ERROR;
00371 }

CGenericCriticalSection * CSocketBase::GetGlobalCriticalSection (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 363 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00364 {
00365     return m_pCSection;
00366 }

int CSocketBase::GetLastError (  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 141 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00142 {
00143     return m_iLastError;
00144 }

unsigned long CSocketBase::GetNumberOfThreads (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 334 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00335 {
00336     return m_ulNumberOfThreads;
00337 }

int CSocketBase::GetSystemLastError (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 358 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00359 {
00360     return WSAGetLastError();
00361 }

BOOL CSocketBase::InitializeSockets ( BOOL  bMultiThreaded = TRUE,
unsigned long  ulNumberOfThreads = 10 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 146 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00148 {
00149     //To avoid double initialize
00150     if (m_bInitialized)
00151     {
00152         //Report it
00153         ReportStaticError(CSocketBase_Class,"InitializeSockets","Already initialized!");
00155         //Exit
00156         return TRUE;
00157     }
00159     //Check that the number of threads are OK?
00160     if (ulNumberOfThreads>CLibConfig::GetInstance().GetMaxThreads())
00161     {
00162         //Report it
00163         ReportStaticError(CSocketBase_Class,"InitializeSockets","Too many threads!");
00165         //Exit
00166         return FALSE;
00167     }
00169     //Do we have threads at all
00170     if (bMultiThreaded &&
00171         !ulNumberOfThreads)
00172     {
00173         //Report it
00174         ReportStaticError(CSocketBase_Class,"InitializeSockets","Didn't receive any threads!");
00176         //Exit
00177         return FALSE;
00178     }
00180     try
00181     {
00182         //Initialize the sockets
00183         WORD wVersionRequested;
00184         wVersionRequested=MAKEWORD(2,2);
00186         //Try to initialize
00187         WSADATA wsaData;
00188         int iErr;
00189         iErr=WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, 
00190                         &wsaData);
00192         //Did we succeed?
00193         if (iErr!=0)
00194             /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */
00195             /* WinSock DLL.                                  */
00196             return FALSE;
00198         /* Confirm that the WinSock DLL supports 2.2.*/
00199         /* Note that if the DLL supports versions greater    */
00200         /* than 2.2 in addition to 2.2, it will still return */
00201         /* 2.2 in wVersion since that is the version we      */
00202         /* requested.                                        */
00204         if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion)!=2 || 
00205             HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion)!=2)
00206         {
00207             /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */
00208             /* WinSock DLL.                                  */
00209             WSACleanup();
00211             //Exit
00212             return FALSE;
00213         }
00215         //Save the threading information
00216         m_bMultiThreaded=bMultiThreaded;
00217         m_ulNumberOfThreads=ulNumberOfThreads;
00219         //Create the critical section
00220         m_pCSection=COSManager::CreateCriticalSection();
00221         m_pCSectionDNS=COSManager::CreateCriticalSection();
00223         //And we are initialized
00224         m_bInitialized=TRUE;
00226         return TRUE;
00227     }
00228     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"InitializeSockets",FALSE)
00229 }

BOOL CSocketBase::IsInitialized (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 339 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00340 {
00341     return m_bInitialized;
00342 }

BOOL CSocketBase::IsMultiThreaded (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 329 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00330 {
00331     return m_bMultiThreaded;
00332 }

std::string CSocketBase::LongToStdString ( unsigned long  ulAddr  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 291 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00292 {
00293     try
00294     {
00295         //First create the address
00296         in_addr addr;
00298         //Assign it
00299         addr.S_un.S_addr=ulAddr;
00301         //Enter the critical section
00302         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00304         //Return the value
00305         return inet_ntoa(addr);
00306     }
00307     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"LongToStdString","")
00308 }

char FAR * CSocketBase::LongToString ( unsigned long  ulAddr  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 310 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00311 {
00312     try
00313     {
00314         //First create the address
00315         in_addr addr;
00317         //Assign it
00318         addr.S_un.S_addr=ulAddr;
00320         //Enter the critical section
00321         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00323         //Return the value
00324         return inet_ntoa(addr);
00325     }
00326     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"LongToString",NULL)
00327 }

void CSocketBase::NotifyShutdown (  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 273 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00274 {
00275 }

void CErrorHandler::RegisterError ( DWORD  dwErrorCode,
const std::string &  rDescription 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 597 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00599 {
00600     try
00601     {
00602         //Add the error
00603         CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().insert(CErrorsRepository::ErrorMap::value_type(dwErrorCode,rDescription));
00604     }
00605     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC(CErrorHandler_Class,"RegisterError")
00606 }

void CSocketBase::RegisterShutdown ( CSocketBase pBase  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 277 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00278 {
00279     try
00280     {
00281         //Check if we already have a class
00282         if (m_pShutdownClass)
00283             delete m_pShutdownClass;
00285         //Take it
00286         m_pShutdownClass=pBase;
00287     }
00288     ERROR_HANDLER("RegisterShutdown")
00289 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 271 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00274 {
00275     if (!GetLog())
00276         return;
00278     try
00279     {
00280         //Convert the error code
00281         char aTmp[11];
00282         sprintf(aTmp,"%d",iErrorCode);
00284         //Get the string for it
00285         std::string sError;
00286         sError=rMessage;
00287         sError+=", and Socket error: ";
00288         sError+=aTmp;
00289         sError+=", ";
00290         sError+=ErrorCodeToString(iErrorCode);
00292         //Report to the log
00293         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00294                    rMethod,
00295                    sError);
00296     }
00297     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00298 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 300 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00302 {
00303     if (!GetLog())
00304         return;
00306     try
00307     {
00308         //Convert the error code
00309         char aTmp[11];
00310         sprintf(aTmp,"%d",iErrorCode);
00312         //Get the string for it
00313         std::string sError;
00314         sError="Socket error: ";
00315         sError+=aTmp;
00316         sError+=", ";
00317         sError+=ErrorCodeToString(iErrorCode);
00319         //Report to the log
00320         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00321                    rMethod,
00322                    sError);
00323     }
00324     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00325 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
const std::string &  rAdditionalData 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 416 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00419 {
00420     if (!GetLog())
00421         return;
00423     try
00424     {
00425         //Create the new message
00426         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00427         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00428         sNewMessage+=rAdditionalData;
00430         //Report to the log
00431         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00432                    rMethod,
00433                    sNewMessage);
00434     }
00435     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00436 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
DWORD  dwAdditionalData 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 438 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00441 {
00442     if (!GetLog())
00443         return;
00445     try
00446     {
00447         //Convert the number
00448         char aTmp[11];
00449         ltoa(dwAdditionalData,aTmp,10);
00451         //Create the new message
00452         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00453         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00454         sNewMessage+=aTmp;
00456         //Report to the log
00457         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00458                    rMethod,
00459                    sNewMessage);
00460     }
00461     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00462 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 327 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00329 {
00330     if (!GetLog())
00331         return;
00333     try
00334     {
00335         //Report to the log
00336         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00337                    rMethod,
00338                    rMessage);
00339     }
00340     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00341 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod  )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 470 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00471 {
00472     if (!GetLog())
00473         return;
00475     try
00476     {
00477         //Get the last error
00478         DWORD dwLastError;
00479         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00481         //Report the error
00482         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00483                    rMethod,
00484                    ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError));
00485     }
00486     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00487 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportErrorOS ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 378 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00380 {
00381     if (!GetLog())
00382         return;
00384     try
00385     {
00386         //Get the last error
00387         DWORD dwLastError;
00388         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00390         //Format the message
00391         std::string sMessage;
00392         sMessage=rMessage;
00393         sMessage+=", with error code: ";
00395         //Convert the error code
00396         char aTmp[11];
00397         itoa(dwLastError,aTmp,10);
00399         //Add it again
00400         sMessage+=aTmp;
00401         sMessage+=" ";
00402         sMessage+=ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError);
00404         //Get the log
00405         CErrorLog* pLog;
00406         pLog=GetLog();
00408         //Report to the log
00409         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00410                    rMethod,
00411                    sMessage);
00412     }
00413     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportErrorOS")
00414 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
DWORD  dwAdditionalData 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 540 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00544 {
00545     if (!m_pLog)
00546         return;
00548     try
00549     {
00550         //Convert the number
00551         char aTmp[11];
00552         ltoa(dwAdditionalData,aTmp,10);
00554         //Create the new message
00555         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00556         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00557         sNewMessage+=aTmp;
00559         //Report to the log
00560         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00561                          rMethod,
00562                          sNewMessage);
00563     }
00564     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00565 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 523 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00526 {
00527     if (!m_pLog)
00528         return;
00530     try
00531     {
00532         //Report to the log
00533         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00534                          rMethod,
00535                          rMessage);
00536     }
00537     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00538 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 503 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00505 {
00506     if (!m_pLog)
00507         return;
00509     try
00510     {
00511         //Get the last error
00512         DWORD dwLastError;
00513         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00515         //Report the error
00516         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00517                           rMethod,
00518                           ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError));
00519     }
00520     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00521 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticErrorOS ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 343 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00346 {
00347     if (!m_pLog)
00348         return;
00350     try
00351     {
00352         //Get the last error
00353         DWORD dwLastError;
00354         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00356         //Format the message
00357         std::string sMessage;
00358         sMessage=rMessage;
00359         sMessage+=", with error code: ";
00361         //Convert the error code
00362         char aTmp[11];
00363         itoa(dwLastError,aTmp,10);
00365         //Add it again
00366         sMessage+=aTmp;
00367         sMessage+=" ";
00368         sMessage+=ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError);
00370         //Report to the log
00371         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00372                          rMethod,
00373                          sMessage);
00374     }
00375     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00376 }

unsigned long CSocketBase::ResolveDNS ( const std::string &  rAddress  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 431 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00432 {
00433     try
00434     {
00435         //Resolve the DNS
00436         sockaddr_in aAddr;
00437         aAddr=InternalResolveDNS(rAddress.c_str());
00439         //Check if valid
00440         if (aAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr==0)
00441             //Error
00442             return 0;
00443         else
00444             return aAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
00445     }
00446     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"ResolveDNS",0)
00447 }

void CBlockedBuffer::SendData (  ) 

Definition at line 82 of file BlockedBuffer.cpp.

00083 {
00084     try
00085     {
00086         //Lock
00087         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00089         //Do we have data ?
00090         if (!m_aData.empty())
00091             //Try to send it
00092             if (m_pFather->SendBlockedBuffer(*m_aData.begin()))
00093                 //We can remove it
00094                 m_aData.pop_front();
00095             else if (m_iMaxRetries &&
00096                      m_aData.begin()->GetNumberOfCalls()==m_iMaxRetries)
00097             {
00098                 //We can't send it, remove it and indicate an error
00099                 m_aData.pop_front();
00101                 //Report it
00102                 ReportError("SendData","Failed sending data for more then 5 times!");
00103             }
00104     }
00105     ERROR_HANDLER("SendData")
00106 }

void CSocketBase::SetLastError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 124 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00126 {
00127     try
00128     {
00129         //First set the error
00130         m_iLastError=iErrorCode;
00132         //Check if there is an error
00133         if (m_iLastError)
00134             ReportError(rMethod,
00135                         "Through SetLastError",
00136                         m_iLastError);
00137     }
00138     ERROR_HANDLER("SetLastError")
00139 }

void CSocketBase::SetLastError ( const std::string &  rMethod  )  const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 104 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00105 {
00106     try
00107     {
00108 #ifdef WIN32
00109         //First set the error
00110         m_iLastError=WSAGetLastError();
00111 #else
00112         m_iLastError=errno();
00113 #endif
00115         //Check if there is an error
00116         if (m_iLastError)
00117             ReportError(rMethod,
00118                         "Through SetLastError",
00119                         m_iLastError);
00120     }
00121     ERROR_HANDLER("SetLastError")
00122 }

void CErrorHandler::SetLocalLog ( CErrorLog pLog  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 498 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00499 {
00500     m_pLocalLog=pLog;
00501 }

void CErrorHandler::SetLog ( CErrorLog pLog  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 464 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00465 {
00466     //Save the new log
00467     m_pLog=pLog;
00468 }

void CErrorHandler::SetName ( const std::string &  rName  )  const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 134 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00135 {
00136     //Save the class name
00137     m_sClassName=rName;
00138 }

BOOL CSocketBase::ShutdownSockets (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 231 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00232 {
00233     //Only if initialized
00234     if (!m_bInitialized)
00235         return TRUE;
00237     try
00238     {
00239         //Delete the CS
00240         delete m_pCSection;
00241         m_pCSection=NULL;
00243         //Delete the DNS CS
00244         delete m_pCSectionDNS;
00245         m_pCSectionDNS=NULL;
00247         //Clear the DNS map
00248         m_aDNSMap.clear();
00250         //Notify shutdown class
00251         if (m_pShutdownClass)
00252         {
00253             //Notify we are shuting down
00254             m_pShutdownClass->NotifyShutdown();
00256             //Delete it
00257             delete m_pShutdownClass;
00258             m_pShutdownClass=NULL;
00259         }
00261         //Not initialized anymore
00262         m_bInitialized=FALSE;
00264         if (WSACleanup()==GetErrorCode())
00265             return FALSE;
00267         //Done
00268         return TRUE;
00269     }
00270     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"ShutdownSockets",FALSE)
00271 }

unsigned long CSocketBase::StringToLong ( const std::string &  rAddress  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 344 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00345 {
00346     //Try to convert it
00347     unsigned long ulAddress;
00348     ulAddress=inet_addr(rAddress.c_str());
00350     //Is it valid
00351     if (ulAddress!=INADDR_NONE)
00352         return ulAddress;
00353     else
00354         //Try to resolve it
00355         return ResolveDNS(rAddress);
00356 }

BOOL CSocketBase::ValidAddress ( const std::string &  rAddress  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 373 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00374 {
00375     try
00376     {
00377         return inet_addr(rAddress.c_str())!=INADDR_NONE;
00378     }
00379     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"ValidAddress",FALSE)
00380 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rError 
) const [inherited]

Definition at line 163 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00166 {
00167     //Do we have a log?
00168     if (!GetLog())
00169         return;
00171     //Format the msg
00172     std::string sError;
00173     sError=FormatData(rClass,
00174                       rMethod,
00175                       rError);
00177     //Write it
00178     GetLog()->WriteError(sError);
00179 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteMessage ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [inherited]

Definition at line 199 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00202 {
00203     //Do we have a log?
00204     if (!GetLog())
00205         return;
00207     //Format the msg
00208     std::string sMsg;
00209     sMsg=FormatData(rClass,
00210                     rMethod,
00211                     rMessage,
00212                     true);
00214     //Write it
00215     GetLog()->WriteMessage(sMsg);
00216 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rError 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 181 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00184 {
00185     //Do we have a log?
00186     if (!m_pLog)
00187         return;
00189     //Format the msg
00190     std::string sError;
00191     sError=FormatData(rClass,
00192                       rMethod,
00193                       rError);
00195     //Write it
00196     m_pLog->WriteError(sError);
00197 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: