Retail products

Traffic interception SDK

Control every TCP/IP network connection

  • Route connections via proxy
  • Redirect connections and modify the data
  • Block connections and applications
SSL interception SDK

View SSL in plaintext and modify it

  • View the SSL stream decrypted in plaintext
  • Redirect SSL connection and modify decrypted data
  • Browser shows "SSL lock" without warnings


CInterfaces Class Reference

#include <Interfaces.h>

Inheritance diagram for CInterfaces:
Collaboration diagram for CInterfaces:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

BOOL IsMulticast () const
BOOL IsPPP () const
BOOL IsLoopback () const
BOOL IsBroadcast () const
BOOL IsRunning () const
long GetBroadcast () const
long GetMask () const
BOOL MoveNext ()
long GetAddress () const
BOOL GetInterfaces ()
 CInterfaces (int iMaxInterfaces=20)
virtual ~CInterfaces ()
int GetLastError () const
void SetLocalLog (CErrorLog *pLog)
void WriteError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError) const
void WriteMessage (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const

Static Public Member Functions

static int GetErrorCode ()
static int GetSystemLastError ()
static BOOL IsInitialized ()
static unsigned long StringToLong (const std::string &rAddress)
static char FAR * LongToString (unsigned long ulAddr)
static std::string LongToStdString (unsigned long ulAddr)
static BOOL InitializeSockets (BOOL bMultiThreaded=TRUE, unsigned long ulNumberOfThreads=10)
static BOOL ShutdownSockets ()
static unsigned long GetNumberOfThreads ()
static BOOL IsMultiThreaded ()
static CGenericCriticalSectionGetGlobalCriticalSection ()
static unsigned long ResolveDNS (const std::string &rAddress)
static BOOL ValidAddress (const std::string &rAddress)
static std::string GetCurrentDateTime ()
static std::string ErrorCodeToString (DWORD dwErrorCode)
static void RegisterError (DWORD dwErrorCode, const std::string &rDescription)
static void SetLog (CErrorLog *pLog)
static void WriteStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError)
static std::string FormatData (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMsgOrError, bool bError=true)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void NotifyShutdown ()
void RegisterShutdown (CSocketBase *pBase)
void SetLastError (const std::string &rMethod) const
void SetLastError (const std::string &, int iErrorCode) const
const std::string & GetClassName () const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, const std::string &rAdditionalData) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, int iErrorCode) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, int iErrorCode) const
virtual void ReportErrorOS (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
void SetName (const std::string &rName) const

Static Protected Member Functions

static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod)
static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)
static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData)
static void ReportStaticErrorOS (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)

Static Protected Attributes

static CGenericCriticalSectionm_pCSection = NULL

Detailed Description

Definition at line 47 of file Interfaces.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CInterfaces::CInterfaces ( int  iMaxInterfaces = 20  ) 

Definition at line 57 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00057                                            : CSocketBase(),
00058                                                m_iStructures(0),
00059                                                m_iPosition(0)
00061 {
00062     try
00063     {
00064         //Set our name
00065         SetName(CInterfaces_Class);
00067         //Allocate the information
00068         m_iMaxInterfaces=iMaxInterfaces;
00070         //Allocate our info
00071         if (!iMaxInterfaces)
00072             m_pInfo=NULL;
00073         else
00074             m_pInfo=new INTERFACE_INFO[m_iMaxInterfaces];
00075     }
00076     ERROR_HANDLER("CInterfaces")
00077 }

CInterfaces::~CInterfaces (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 79 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00080 {
00081     try
00082     {
00083         delete m_pInfo;
00084     }
00085     ERROR_HANDLER("~CInterfaces")
00086 }

Member Function Documentation

std::string CErrorHandler::ErrorCodeToString ( DWORD  dwErrorCode  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 218 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00219 {
00220     try
00221     {
00222         //Try to look it in the errors
00223         if (!CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().empty())
00224         {
00225             //Search
00226             CErrorsRepository::ErrorMap::const_iterator aIterator;
00227             aIterator=CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().find(dwErrorCode);
00229             //Do we have it
00230             if (aIterator!=CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().end())
00231                 return aIterator->second;
00232         }
00234         //Get the error string
00235         LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
00236         FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | 
00237                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | 
00238                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
00239                       NULL,
00240                       dwErrorCode,
00241                       MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
00242                       (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
00243                       0,
00244                       NULL);
00246         //Save it
00247         std::string sMessage;
00249         //Do we have the message?
00250         if (lpMsgBuf)
00251         {
00252             //Save it
00253             sMessage=(char*)lpMsgBuf;
00255             //Release the buffer
00256             LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
00257         }
00258         else
00259             //Failed to find
00260             sMessage="No error description found!";
00262         //Done
00263         return sMessage;
00264     }
00265     catch (...)
00266     {
00267         return "Unknown";
00268     }
00269 }

std::string CErrorHandler::FormatData ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMsgOrError,
bool  bError = true 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 140 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00144 {
00145     //Our message
00146     std::string sMsg;
00148     //Is it an error?
00149     if (bError)
00150         sMsg="*** Error *** ";
00151     else
00152         sMsg="###  Msg  ### ";
00154     //Add the data now
00155     sMsg+="in "+rClass;
00156     sMsg+=":"+rMethod;
00157     sMsg+=" - " + rMsgOrError;
00159     //Done
00160     return sMsg;
00161 }

long CInterfaces::GetAddress (  )  const

Definition at line 152 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00153 {
00154     CHECK_POSITION("GetAddress",0)
00156     try
00157     {
00158         return (m_pInfo+m_iPosition)->iiAddress.AddressIn.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
00159     }
00160     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("GetAddress",0);
00161 }

long CInterfaces::GetBroadcast (  )  const

Definition at line 180 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00181 {
00182     CHECK_POSITION("GetBroadcast",0)
00184     try
00185     {
00186         return m_pInfo[m_iPosition].iiBroadcastAddress.AddressIn.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
00187     }
00188     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("GetBroadcast",0);
00189 }

const std::string & CErrorHandler::GetClassName (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented in CSocketThreadManager.

Definition at line 567 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00568 {
00569     return m_sClassName;
00570 }

std::string CErrorHandler::GetCurrentDateTime (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 572 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00573 {
00574     try
00575     {
00576         //Our string
00577         std::string sDate;
00579         //Our tmp buf
00580         char cTmp[128];
00582         //Get date
00583         _strdate(cTmp);
00584         sDate=cTmp;
00585         sDate+=' ';
00587         //Get time
00588         _strtime(cTmp);
00589         sDate+=cTmp;
00591         //Done
00592         return sDate;
00593     }
00594     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CErrorHandler_Class,"GetCurrentDateTime","")
00595 }

int CSocketBase::GetErrorCode (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 368 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00369 {
00370     return SOCKET_ERROR;
00371 }

CGenericCriticalSection * CSocketBase::GetGlobalCriticalSection (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 363 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00364 {
00365     return m_pCSection;
00366 }

BOOL CInterfaces::GetInterfaces (  ) 

Definition at line 88 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00089 {
00090     if (!m_iMaxInterfaces)
00091     {
00092         //structure not allocated
00093         ReportError("GetInterfaces","You constructed the class with 0 parameter!");
00095         //Exit
00096         return FALSE;
00097     }
00099     try
00100     {
00101         //Allocate a socket
00102         SOCKET aSocket;
00103         aSocket=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
00105         //Check it's valid
00106         if (aSocket==INVALID_SOCKET)
00107         {
00108             //Report it
00109             SetLastError("GetInterfaces");
00111             //Exit
00112             return FALSE;
00113         }
00115         //Get the interface list
00116         unsigned long ulBytes;
00117         if (WSAIoctl(aSocket,
00118                      SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST,
00119                      NULL,
00120                      NULL,
00121                      m_pInfo,
00122                      sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO)*m_iMaxInterfaces,
00123                      &ulBytes,
00124                      NULL,
00125                      NULL))
00126         {
00127             //Damn error
00128             SetLastError("GetInterfaces");
00130             //Close the socket
00131             closesocket(aSocket);
00133             //Exit
00134             return FALSE;
00135         }
00137         //Check how many structures we have
00138         m_iStructures=ulBytes/sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO);
00140         //Set our position to zero
00141         m_iPosition=0;
00143         //Close the socket
00144         closesocket(aSocket);
00146         //Done
00147         return TRUE;
00148     }
00149     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("GetInterfaces",FALSE)
00150 }

int CSocketBase::GetLastError (  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 141 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00142 {
00143     return m_iLastError;
00144 }

long CInterfaces::GetMask (  )  const

Definition at line 169 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00170 {
00171     CHECK_POSITION("GetMask",0)
00173     try
00174     {
00175         return m_pInfo[m_iPosition].iiNetmask.AddressIn.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
00176     }
00177     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("GetMask",0);
00178 }

unsigned long CSocketBase::GetNumberOfThreads (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 334 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00335 {
00336     return m_ulNumberOfThreads;
00337 }

int CSocketBase::GetSystemLastError (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 358 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00359 {
00360     return WSAGetLastError();
00361 }

BOOL CSocketBase::InitializeSockets ( BOOL  bMultiThreaded = TRUE,
unsigned long  ulNumberOfThreads = 10 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 146 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00148 {
00149     //To avoid double initialize
00150     if (m_bInitialized)
00151     {
00152         //Report it
00153         ReportStaticError(CSocketBase_Class,"InitializeSockets","Already initialized!");
00155         //Exit
00156         return TRUE;
00157     }
00159     //Check that the number of threads are OK?
00160     if (ulNumberOfThreads>CLibConfig::GetInstance().GetMaxThreads())
00161     {
00162         //Report it
00163         ReportStaticError(CSocketBase_Class,"InitializeSockets","Too many threads!");
00165         //Exit
00166         return FALSE;
00167     }
00169     //Do we have threads at all
00170     if (bMultiThreaded &&
00171         !ulNumberOfThreads)
00172     {
00173         //Report it
00174         ReportStaticError(CSocketBase_Class,"InitializeSockets","Didn't receive any threads!");
00176         //Exit
00177         return FALSE;
00178     }
00180     try
00181     {
00182         //Initialize the sockets
00183         WORD wVersionRequested;
00184         wVersionRequested=MAKEWORD(2,2);
00186         //Try to initialize
00187         WSADATA wsaData;
00188         int iErr;
00189         iErr=WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, 
00190                         &wsaData);
00192         //Did we succeed?
00193         if (iErr!=0)
00194             /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */
00195             /* WinSock DLL.                                  */
00196             return FALSE;
00198         /* Confirm that the WinSock DLL supports 2.2.*/
00199         /* Note that if the DLL supports versions greater    */
00200         /* than 2.2 in addition to 2.2, it will still return */
00201         /* 2.2 in wVersion since that is the version we      */
00202         /* requested.                                        */
00204         if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion)!=2 || 
00205             HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion)!=2)
00206         {
00207             /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */
00208             /* WinSock DLL.                                  */
00209             WSACleanup();
00211             //Exit
00212             return FALSE;
00213         }
00215         //Save the threading information
00216         m_bMultiThreaded=bMultiThreaded;
00217         m_ulNumberOfThreads=ulNumberOfThreads;
00219         //Create the critical section
00220         m_pCSection=COSManager::CreateCriticalSection();
00221         m_pCSectionDNS=COSManager::CreateCriticalSection();
00223         //And we are initialized
00224         m_bInitialized=TRUE;
00226         return TRUE;
00227     }
00228     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"InitializeSockets",FALSE)
00229 }

BOOL CInterfaces::IsBroadcast (  )  const

Definition at line 196 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00197 {
00198     return GetFlags() & IFF_BROADCAST;
00199 }

BOOL CSocketBase::IsInitialized (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 339 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00340 {
00341     return m_bInitialized;
00342 }

BOOL CInterfaces::IsLoopback (  )  const

Definition at line 201 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00202 {
00203     return GetFlags() & IFF_LOOPBACK;
00204 }

BOOL CInterfaces::IsMulticast (  )  const

Definition at line 211 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00212 {
00213     return GetFlags() & IFF_MULTICAST;
00214 }

BOOL CSocketBase::IsMultiThreaded (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 329 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00330 {
00331     return m_bMultiThreaded;
00332 }

BOOL CInterfaces::IsPPP (  )  const

Definition at line 206 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00207 {
00208     return GetFlags() & IFF_POINTTOPOINT;
00209 }

BOOL CInterfaces::IsRunning (  )  const

Definition at line 191 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00192 {
00193     return GetFlags() & IFF_UP;
00194 }

std::string CSocketBase::LongToStdString ( unsigned long  ulAddr  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 291 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00292 {
00293     try
00294     {
00295         //First create the address
00296         in_addr addr;
00298         //Assign it
00299         addr.S_un.S_addr=ulAddr;
00301         //Enter the critical section
00302         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00304         //Return the value
00305         return inet_ntoa(addr);
00306     }
00307     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"LongToStdString","")
00308 }

char FAR * CSocketBase::LongToString ( unsigned long  ulAddr  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 310 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00311 {
00312     try
00313     {
00314         //First create the address
00315         in_addr addr;
00317         //Assign it
00318         addr.S_un.S_addr=ulAddr;
00320         //Enter the critical section
00321         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00323         //Return the value
00324         return inet_ntoa(addr);
00325     }
00326     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"LongToString",NULL)
00327 }

BOOL CInterfaces::MoveNext (  ) 

Definition at line 163 of file Interfaces.cpp.

00164 {
00165     ++m_iPosition;
00166     return m_iPosition<m_iStructures;
00167 }

void CSocketBase::NotifyShutdown (  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 273 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00274 {
00275 }

void CErrorHandler::RegisterError ( DWORD  dwErrorCode,
const std::string &  rDescription 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 597 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00599 {
00600     try
00601     {
00602         //Add the error
00603         CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().insert(CErrorsRepository::ErrorMap::value_type(dwErrorCode,rDescription));
00604     }
00605     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC(CErrorHandler_Class,"RegisterError")
00606 }

void CSocketBase::RegisterShutdown ( CSocketBase pBase  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 277 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00278 {
00279     try
00280     {
00281         //Check if we already have a class
00282         if (m_pShutdownClass)
00283             delete m_pShutdownClass;
00285         //Take it
00286         m_pShutdownClass=pBase;
00287     }
00288     ERROR_HANDLER("RegisterShutdown")
00289 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 271 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00274 {
00275     if (!GetLog())
00276         return;
00278     try
00279     {
00280         //Convert the error code
00281         char aTmp[11];
00282         sprintf(aTmp,"%d",iErrorCode);
00284         //Get the string for it
00285         std::string sError;
00286         sError=rMessage;
00287         sError+=", and Socket error: ";
00288         sError+=aTmp;
00289         sError+=", ";
00290         sError+=ErrorCodeToString(iErrorCode);
00292         //Report to the log
00293         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00294                    rMethod,
00295                    sError);
00296     }
00297     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00298 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 300 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00302 {
00303     if (!GetLog())
00304         return;
00306     try
00307     {
00308         //Convert the error code
00309         char aTmp[11];
00310         sprintf(aTmp,"%d",iErrorCode);
00312         //Get the string for it
00313         std::string sError;
00314         sError="Socket error: ";
00315         sError+=aTmp;
00316         sError+=", ";
00317         sError+=ErrorCodeToString(iErrorCode);
00319         //Report to the log
00320         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00321                    rMethod,
00322                    sError);
00323     }
00324     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00325 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
const std::string &  rAdditionalData 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 416 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00419 {
00420     if (!GetLog())
00421         return;
00423     try
00424     {
00425         //Create the new message
00426         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00427         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00428         sNewMessage+=rAdditionalData;
00430         //Report to the log
00431         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00432                    rMethod,
00433                    sNewMessage);
00434     }
00435     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00436 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
DWORD  dwAdditionalData 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 438 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00441 {
00442     if (!GetLog())
00443         return;
00445     try
00446     {
00447         //Convert the number
00448         char aTmp[11];
00449         ltoa(dwAdditionalData,aTmp,10);
00451         //Create the new message
00452         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00453         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00454         sNewMessage+=aTmp;
00456         //Report to the log
00457         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00458                    rMethod,
00459                    sNewMessage);
00460     }
00461     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00462 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 327 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00329 {
00330     if (!GetLog())
00331         return;
00333     try
00334     {
00335         //Report to the log
00336         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00337                    rMethod,
00338                    rMessage);
00339     }
00340     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00341 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod  )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 470 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00471 {
00472     if (!GetLog())
00473         return;
00475     try
00476     {
00477         //Get the last error
00478         DWORD dwLastError;
00479         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00481         //Report the error
00482         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00483                    rMethod,
00484                    ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError));
00485     }
00486     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00487 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportErrorOS ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 378 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00380 {
00381     if (!GetLog())
00382         return;
00384     try
00385     {
00386         //Get the last error
00387         DWORD dwLastError;
00388         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00390         //Format the message
00391         std::string sMessage;
00392         sMessage=rMessage;
00393         sMessage+=", with error code: ";
00395         //Convert the error code
00396         char aTmp[11];
00397         itoa(dwLastError,aTmp,10);
00399         //Add it again
00400         sMessage+=aTmp;
00401         sMessage+=" ";
00402         sMessage+=ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError);
00404         //Get the log
00405         CErrorLog* pLog;
00406         pLog=GetLog();
00408         //Report to the log
00409         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00410                    rMethod,
00411                    sMessage);
00412     }
00413     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportErrorOS")
00414 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
DWORD  dwAdditionalData 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 540 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00544 {
00545     if (!m_pLog)
00546         return;
00548     try
00549     {
00550         //Convert the number
00551         char aTmp[11];
00552         ltoa(dwAdditionalData,aTmp,10);
00554         //Create the new message
00555         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00556         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00557         sNewMessage+=aTmp;
00559         //Report to the log
00560         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00561                          rMethod,
00562                          sNewMessage);
00563     }
00564     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00565 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 523 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00526 {
00527     if (!m_pLog)
00528         return;
00530     try
00531     {
00532         //Report to the log
00533         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00534                          rMethod,
00535                          rMessage);
00536     }
00537     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00538 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 503 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00505 {
00506     if (!m_pLog)
00507         return;
00509     try
00510     {
00511         //Get the last error
00512         DWORD dwLastError;
00513         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00515         //Report the error
00516         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00517                           rMethod,
00518                           ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError));
00519     }
00520     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00521 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticErrorOS ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 343 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00346 {
00347     if (!m_pLog)
00348         return;
00350     try
00351     {
00352         //Get the last error
00353         DWORD dwLastError;
00354         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00356         //Format the message
00357         std::string sMessage;
00358         sMessage=rMessage;
00359         sMessage+=", with error code: ";
00361         //Convert the error code
00362         char aTmp[11];
00363         itoa(dwLastError,aTmp,10);
00365         //Add it again
00366         sMessage+=aTmp;
00367         sMessage+=" ";
00368         sMessage+=ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError);
00370         //Report to the log
00371         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00372                          rMethod,
00373                          sMessage);
00374     }
00375     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00376 }

unsigned long CSocketBase::ResolveDNS ( const std::string &  rAddress  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 431 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00432 {
00433     try
00434     {
00435         //Resolve the DNS
00436         sockaddr_in aAddr;
00437         aAddr=InternalResolveDNS(rAddress.c_str());
00439         //Check if valid
00440         if (aAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr==0)
00441             //Error
00442             return 0;
00443         else
00444             return aAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
00445     }
00446     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"ResolveDNS",0)
00447 }

void CSocketBase::SetLastError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 124 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00126 {
00127     try
00128     {
00129         //First set the error
00130         m_iLastError=iErrorCode;
00132         //Check if there is an error
00133         if (m_iLastError)
00134             ReportError(rMethod,
00135                         "Through SetLastError",
00136                         m_iLastError);
00137     }
00138     ERROR_HANDLER("SetLastError")
00139 }

void CSocketBase::SetLastError ( const std::string &  rMethod  )  const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 104 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00105 {
00106     try
00107     {
00108 #ifdef WIN32
00109         //First set the error
00110         m_iLastError=WSAGetLastError();
00111 #else
00112         m_iLastError=errno();
00113 #endif
00115         //Check if there is an error
00116         if (m_iLastError)
00117             ReportError(rMethod,
00118                         "Through SetLastError",
00119                         m_iLastError);
00120     }
00121     ERROR_HANDLER("SetLastError")
00122 }

void CErrorHandler::SetLocalLog ( CErrorLog pLog  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 498 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00499 {
00500     m_pLocalLog=pLog;
00501 }

void CErrorHandler::SetLog ( CErrorLog pLog  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 464 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00465 {
00466     //Save the new log
00467     m_pLog=pLog;
00468 }

void CErrorHandler::SetName ( const std::string &  rName  )  const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 134 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00135 {
00136     //Save the class name
00137     m_sClassName=rName;
00138 }

BOOL CSocketBase::ShutdownSockets (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 231 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00232 {
00233     //Only if initialized
00234     if (!m_bInitialized)
00235         return TRUE;
00237     try
00238     {
00239         //Delete the CS
00240         delete m_pCSection;
00241         m_pCSection=NULL;
00243         //Delete the DNS CS
00244         delete m_pCSectionDNS;
00245         m_pCSectionDNS=NULL;
00247         //Clear the DNS map
00248         m_aDNSMap.clear();
00250         //Notify shutdown class
00251         if (m_pShutdownClass)
00252         {
00253             //Notify we are shuting down
00254             m_pShutdownClass->NotifyShutdown();
00256             //Delete it
00257             delete m_pShutdownClass;
00258             m_pShutdownClass=NULL;
00259         }
00261         //Not initialized anymore
00262         m_bInitialized=FALSE;
00264         if (WSACleanup()==GetErrorCode())
00265             return FALSE;
00267         //Done
00268         return TRUE;
00269     }
00270     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"ShutdownSockets",FALSE)
00271 }

unsigned long CSocketBase::StringToLong ( const std::string &  rAddress  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 344 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00345 {
00346     //Try to convert it
00347     unsigned long ulAddress;
00348     ulAddress=inet_addr(rAddress.c_str());
00350     //Is it valid
00351     if (ulAddress!=INADDR_NONE)
00352         return ulAddress;
00353     else
00354         //Try to resolve it
00355         return ResolveDNS(rAddress);
00356 }

BOOL CSocketBase::ValidAddress ( const std::string &  rAddress  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 373 of file SocketBase.cpp.

00374 {
00375     try
00376     {
00377         return inet_addr(rAddress.c_str())!=INADDR_NONE;
00378     }
00379     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CSocketBase_Class,"ValidAddress",FALSE)
00380 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rError 
) const [inherited]

Definition at line 163 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00166 {
00167     //Do we have a log?
00168     if (!GetLog())
00169         return;
00171     //Format the msg
00172     std::string sError;
00173     sError=FormatData(rClass,
00174                       rMethod,
00175                       rError);
00177     //Write it
00178     GetLog()->WriteError(sError);
00179 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteMessage ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [inherited]

Definition at line 199 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00202 {
00203     //Do we have a log?
00204     if (!GetLog())
00205         return;
00207     //Format the msg
00208     std::string sMsg;
00209     sMsg=FormatData(rClass,
00210                     rMethod,
00211                     rMessage,
00212                     true);
00214     //Write it
00215     GetLog()->WriteMessage(sMsg);
00216 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rError 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 181 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00184 {
00185     //Do we have a log?
00186     if (!m_pLog)
00187         return;
00189     //Format the msg
00190     std::string sError;
00191     sError=FormatData(rClass,
00192                       rMethod,
00193                       rError);
00195     //Write it
00196     m_pLog->WriteError(sError);
00197 }

Member Data Documentation

CGenericCriticalSection * CSocketBase::m_pCSection = NULL [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 122 of file SocketBase.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: