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  • Redirect SSL connection and modify decrypted data
  • Browser shows "SSL lock" without warnings


CGenericThread Class Reference

#include <GenericThread.h>

Inheritance diagram for CGenericThread:
Collaboration diagram for CGenericThread:

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  _ThreadStatus { tsSuspended, tsRunning, tsStopped, tsError }
enum  _ThreadPriority {
  tpIdle = 0, tpLowest, tpBelowNormal, tpNormal,
  tpAboveNormal, tpHighest, tpTimeCritical
typedef GenericThreadProc LPGenericThreadProc
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef DWORD(* GenericThreadProc )(LPVOID pParam)

Public Member Functions

virtual BOOL IsInThread () const =0
void SetBruteTermination (BOOL bBrute)
void SetAutoDelete (BOOL bAuto)
virtual BOOL SetPriority (ThreadPriority aPriority)=0
virtual ThreadPriority GetPriority () const =0
virtual BOOL Start (LPVOID pData)
virtual BOOL Stop ()=0
virtual DWORD GetThreadID () const
ThreadStatus GetThreadStatus () const
 CGenericThread (LPGenericThreadProc pThreadProc)
virtual ~CGenericThread ()
void SetLocalLog (CErrorLog *pLog, bool bWriteToMain=false)
void WriteError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError) const
void WriteMessage (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const

Static Public Member Functions

static CErrorHandlerGetSecondaryLog ()
static CErrorHandlerGetThirdLog ()
static void ClearStaticLogs ()
static std::string GetCurrentDateTime ()
static std::string ErrorCodeToString (DWORD dwErrorCode)
static void RegisterError (DWORD dwErrorCode, const std::string &rDescription)
static void SetLog (CErrorLog *pLog)
static void WriteStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError)
static void WriteStaticMessage (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)
static std::string FormatData (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMsgOrError, bool bError=true)

Protected Member Functions

BOOL GetBruteTermination () const
BOOL GetAutoDelete () const
LPGenericThreadProc GetThreadProc () const
void SetThreadStatus (ThreadStatus aStatus)
virtual LPVOID GetData () const
void SetThreadID (DWORD dwThreadID)
void WriteMessage (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
const std::string & GetClassName () const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, const std::string &rAdditionalData) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, int iErrorCode) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, int iErrorCode) const
virtual void ReportErrorOS (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
void SetName (const std::string &rName) const

Static Protected Member Functions

static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod)
static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)
static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData)
static void ReportStaticErrorOS (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 51 of file GenericThread.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 68 of file GenericThread.h.

00069     {
00070         tpIdle=0,
00071         tpLowest,
00072         tpBelowNormal,
00073         tpNormal,
00074         tpAboveNormal,
00075         tpHighest,
00076         tpTimeCritical
00077     } ThreadPriority;


Definition at line 59 of file GenericThread.h.

00060     {
00061         tsSuspended,
00062         tsRunning,
00063         tsStopped,
00064         tsError
00065     } ThreadStatus;

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CGenericThread::CGenericThread ( LPGenericThreadProc  pThreadProc  ) 

Definition at line 52 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00052                                                               : CErrorHandler(),
00053                                                                   m_pThreadProc(pThreadProc),
00054                                                                   m_dwThreadID(0),
00055                                                                   m_pData(NULL),
00056                                                                   m_aThreadStatus(tsError),
00057                                                                   m_pCSection(NULL),
00058                                                                   m_bAutoDelete(FALSE),
00059                                                                   m_bBruteTermination(TRUE)
00060 {
00061     //Set our name
00062     SetName(CGenericThread_Class);
00064     //Create the critical section
00065     m_pCSection=COSManager::CreateCriticalSection();
00066 }

CGenericThread::~CGenericThread (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 68 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00069 {
00070     try
00071     {
00072         delete m_pCSection;
00073     }
00074     ERROR_HANDLER("~CGenericThread")
00075 }

Member Function Documentation

void CErrorHandler::ClearStaticLogs (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 680 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00681 {
00682     //Delete the logs
00683     delete m_pSecondLevelLog;
00684     m_pSecondLevelLog=NULL;
00686     delete m_pThirdLevelLog;
00687     m_pThirdLevelLog=NULL;
00688 }

std::string CErrorHandler::ErrorCodeToString ( DWORD  dwErrorCode  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 251 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00252 {
00253     try
00254     {
00255         //Try to look it in the errors
00256         if (!CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().empty())
00257         {
00258             //Search
00259             CErrorsRepository::ErrorMap::const_iterator aIterator;
00260             aIterator=CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().find(dwErrorCode);
00262             //Do we have it
00263             if (aIterator!=CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().end())
00264                 return aIterator->second;
00265         }
00267         //Get the error string
00268         LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
00269         FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | 
00270                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | 
00271                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
00272                       NULL,
00273                       dwErrorCode,
00274                       MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
00275                       (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
00276                       0,
00277                       NULL);
00279         //Save it
00280         std::string sMessage;
00282         //Do we have the message?
00283         if (lpMsgBuf)
00284         {
00285             //Save it
00286             sMessage=(char*)lpMsgBuf;
00288             //Release the buffer
00289             LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
00290         }
00291         else
00292             //Failed to find
00293             sMessage="No error description found!";
00295         //Done
00296         return sMessage;
00297     }
00298     catch (...)
00299     {
00300         return "Unknown";
00301     }
00302 }

std::string CErrorHandler::FormatData ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMsgOrError,
bool  bError = true 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 145 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00149 {
00150     //Our message
00151     std::string sMsg;
00153     //Is it an error?
00154     if (bError)
00155         sMsg="*** Error *** ";
00156     else
00157         sMsg="###  Msg  ### ";
00159     //Add the data now
00160     sMsg+="in "+rClass;
00161     sMsg+="::"+rMethod;
00162     sMsg+=" - " + rMsgOrError;
00164     //Done
00165     return sMsg;
00166 }

BOOL CGenericThread::GetAutoDelete (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 129 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00130 {
00131     return m_bAutoDelete;
00132 }

BOOL CGenericThread::GetBruteTermination (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 139 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00140 {
00141     return m_bBruteTermination;
00142 }

const std::string & CErrorHandler::GetClassName (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented in CSocketThreadManager.

Definition at line 617 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00618 {
00619     return m_sClassName;
00620 }

std::string CErrorHandler::GetCurrentDateTime (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 622 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00623 {
00624     try
00625     {
00626         //Our string
00627         std::string sDate;
00629         //Our tmp buf
00630         char cTmp[128];
00632         //Get date
00633         _strdate(cTmp);
00634         sDate=cTmp;
00635         sDate+=' ';
00637         //Get time
00638         _strtime(cTmp);
00639         sDate+=cTmp;
00641         //Done
00642         return sDate;
00643     }
00644     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CErrorHandler_Class,"GetCurrentDateTime","")
00645 }

LPVOID CGenericThread::GetData (  )  const [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 87 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00088 {
00089     return m_pData;
00090 }

virtual ThreadPriority CGenericThread::GetPriority (  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in CWin32Thread.

CErrorHandler * CErrorHandler::GetSecondaryLog (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 658 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00659 {
00660     //Do we have log
00661     if (!m_pSecondLevelLog)
00662         //Create it
00663         m_pSecondLevelLog=new CErrorHandler;
00665     //Return it
00666     return m_pSecondLevelLog;
00667 }

CErrorHandler * CErrorHandler::GetThirdLog (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 669 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00670 {
00671     //Do we have log
00672     if (!m_pThirdLevelLog)
00673         //Create it
00674         m_pThirdLevelLog=new CErrorHandler;
00676     //Return it
00677     return m_pThirdLevelLog;
00678 }

DWORD CGenericThread::GetThreadID (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 77 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00078 {
00079     return m_dwThreadID;
00080 }

CGenericThread::LPGenericThreadProc CGenericThread::GetThreadProc (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 119 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00120 {
00121     return m_pThreadProc;
00122 }

CGenericThread::ThreadStatus CGenericThread::GetThreadStatus (  )  const

Definition at line 114 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00115 {
00116     return m_aThreadStatus;
00117 }

virtual BOOL CGenericThread::IsInThread (  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in CWin32Thread.

void CErrorHandler::RegisterError ( DWORD  dwErrorCode,
const std::string &  rDescription 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 647 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00649 {
00650     try
00651     {
00652         //Add the error
00653         CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().insert(CErrorsRepository::ErrorMap::value_type(dwErrorCode,rDescription));
00654     }
00655     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC(CErrorHandler_Class,"RegisterError")
00656 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 304 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00307 {
00308     if (!GetLog())
00309         return;
00311     try
00312     {
00313         //Convert the error code
00314         char aTmp[11];
00315         sprintf(aTmp,"%d",iErrorCode);
00317         //Get the string for it
00318         std::string sError;
00319         sError=rMessage;
00320         sError+=", and Socket error: ";
00321         sError+=aTmp;
00322         sError+=", ";
00323         sError+=ErrorCodeToString(iErrorCode);
00325         //Report to the log
00326         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00327                    rMethod,
00328                    sError);
00329     }
00330     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00331 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 333 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00335 {
00336     if (!GetLog())
00337         return;
00339     try
00340     {
00341         //Convert the error code
00342         char aTmp[11];
00343         sprintf(aTmp,"%d",iErrorCode);
00345         //Get the string for it
00346         std::string sError;
00347         sError="Socket error: ";
00348         sError+=aTmp;
00349         sError+=", ";
00350         sError+=ErrorCodeToString(iErrorCode);
00352         //Report to the log
00353         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00354                    rMethod,
00355                    sError);
00356     }
00357     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00358 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
const std::string &  rAdditionalData 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 461 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00464 {
00465     if (!GetLog())
00466         return;
00468     try
00469     {
00470         //Create the new message
00471         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00472         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00473         sNewMessage+=rAdditionalData;
00475         //Report to the log
00476         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00477                    rMethod,
00478                    sNewMessage);
00479     }
00480     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00481 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
DWORD  dwAdditionalData 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 483 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00486 {
00487     if (!GetLog())
00488         return;
00490     try
00491     {
00492         //Convert the number
00493         char aTmp[11];
00494         ltoa(dwAdditionalData,aTmp,10);
00496         //Create the new message
00497         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00498         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00499         sNewMessage+=aTmp;
00501         //Report to the log
00502         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00503                    rMethod,
00504                    sNewMessage);
00505     }
00506     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00507 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 376 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00378 {
00379     if (!GetLog())
00380         return;
00382     try
00383     {
00384         //Report to the log
00385         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00386                    rMethod,
00387                    rMessage);
00388     }
00389     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00390 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod  )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 515 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00516 {
00517     if (!GetLog())
00518         return;
00520     try
00521     {
00522         //Get the last error
00523         DWORD dwLastError;
00524         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00526         //Report the error
00527         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00528                    rMethod,
00529                    ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError));
00530     }
00531     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00532 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportErrorOS ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 427 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00429 {
00430     if (!GetLog())
00431         return;
00433     try
00434     {
00435         //Get the last error
00436         DWORD dwLastError;
00437         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00439         //Format the message
00440         std::string sMessage;
00441         sMessage=rMessage;
00442         sMessage+=", with error code: ";
00444         //Convert the error code
00445         char aTmp[11];
00446         itoa(dwLastError,aTmp,10);
00448         //Add it again
00449         sMessage+=aTmp;
00450         sMessage+=" ";
00451         sMessage+=ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError);
00453         //Report to the log
00454         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00455                    rMethod,
00456                    sMessage);
00457     }
00458     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportErrorOS")
00459 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
DWORD  dwAdditionalData 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 590 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00594 {
00595     if (!m_pLog)
00596         return;
00598     try
00599     {
00600         //Convert the number
00601         char aTmp[11];
00602         ltoa(dwAdditionalData,aTmp,10);
00604         //Create the new message
00605         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00606         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00607         sNewMessage+=aTmp;
00609         //Report to the log
00610         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00611                          rMethod,
00612                          sNewMessage);
00613     }
00614     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00615 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 573 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00576 {
00577     if (!m_pLog)
00578         return;
00580     try
00581     {
00582         //Report to the log
00583         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00584                          rMethod,
00585                          rMessage);
00586     }
00587     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00588 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 553 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00555 {
00556     if (!m_pLog)
00557         return;
00559     try
00560     {
00561         //Get the last error
00562         DWORD dwLastError;
00563         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00565         //Report the error
00566         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00567                           rMethod,
00568                           ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError));
00569     }
00570     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00571 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticErrorOS ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 392 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00395 {
00396     if (!m_pLog)
00397         return;
00399     try
00400     {
00401         //Get the last error
00402         DWORD dwLastError;
00403         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00405         //Format the message
00406         std::string sMessage;
00407         sMessage=rMessage;
00408         sMessage+=", with error code: ";
00410         //Convert the error code
00411         char aTmp[11];
00412         itoa(dwLastError,aTmp,10);
00414         //Add it again
00415         sMessage+=aTmp;
00416         sMessage+=" ";
00417         sMessage+=ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError);
00419         //Report to the log
00420         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00421                          rMethod,
00422                          sMessage);
00423     }
00424     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00425 }

void CGenericThread::SetAutoDelete ( BOOL  bAuto  ) 

Definition at line 124 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00125 {
00126     m_bAutoDelete=bAuto;
00127 }

void CGenericThread::SetBruteTermination ( BOOL  bBrute  ) 

Definition at line 134 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00135 {
00136     m_bBruteTermination=bBrute;
00137 }

void CErrorHandler::SetLocalLog ( CErrorLog pLog,
bool  bWriteToMain = false 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 543 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00545 {
00546     //Save the log
00547     m_pLocalLog=pLog;
00549     //Save the write to main flag
00550     m_bWriteToMain=bWriteToMain;
00551 }

void CErrorHandler::SetLog ( CErrorLog pLog  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 509 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00510 {
00511     //Save the new log
00512     m_pLog=pLog;
00513 }

void CErrorHandler::SetName ( const std::string &  rName  )  const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 139 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00140 {
00141     //Save the class name
00142     m_sClassName=rName;
00143 }

virtual BOOL CGenericThread::SetPriority ( ThreadPriority  aPriority  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in CWin32Thread.

void CGenericThread::SetThreadID ( DWORD  dwThreadID  )  [protected]

Definition at line 82 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00083 {
00084     m_dwThreadID=dwThreadID;
00085 }

void CGenericThread::SetThreadStatus ( ThreadStatus  aStatus  )  [protected]

Definition at line 101 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00102 {
00103     try
00104     {
00105         //Enter the CS
00106         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00108         //Set it
00109         m_aThreadStatus=aStatus;
00110     }
00111     ERROR_HANDLER("SetThreadStatus")
00112 }

BOOL CGenericThread::Start ( LPVOID  pData  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in CWin32Thread.

Definition at line 92 of file GenericThread.cpp.

00093 {
00094     //Save the data
00095     m_pData=pData;
00097     //Done
00098     return TRUE;
00099 }

virtual BOOL CGenericThread::Stop (  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in CWin32Thread.

void CErrorHandler::WriteError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rError 
) const [inherited]

Definition at line 168 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00171 {
00172     //Do we have a log?
00173     if (!GetLog())
00174         return;
00176     //Format the msg
00177     std::string sError;
00178     sError=FormatData(rClass,
00179                       rMethod,
00180                       rError);
00182     //Write it
00183     GetLog()->WriteError(sError);
00185     //Write to main
00186     if (m_bWriteToMain &&
00187         m_pLog)
00188         //Write it
00189         m_pLog->WriteError(sError);
00190 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteMessage ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 360 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00362 {
00363     if (!GetLog())
00364         return;
00366     try
00367     {
00368         //Report to the log
00369         WriteMessage(m_sClassName,
00370                      rMethod,
00371                      rMessage);
00372     }
00373     ERROR_UNKNOWN("WriteMessage")
00374 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteMessage ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [inherited]

Definition at line 226 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00229 {
00230     //Do we have a log?
00231     if (!GetLog())
00232         return;
00234     //Format the msg
00235     std::string sMsg;
00236     sMsg=FormatData(rClass,
00237                     rMethod,
00238                     rMessage,
00239                     false);
00241     //Write it
00242     GetLog()->WriteMessage(sMsg);
00244     //Write to main
00245     if (m_bWriteToMain &&
00246         m_pLog)
00247         //Write it
00248         m_pLog->WriteMessage(sMsg);
00249 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rError 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 192 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00195 {
00196     //Do we have a log?
00197     if (!m_pLog)
00198         return;
00200     //Format the msg
00201     std::string sError;
00202     sError=FormatData(rClass,
00203                       rMethod,
00204                       rError);
00206     //Write it
00207     m_pLog->WriteError(sError);
00208 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteStaticMessage ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 210 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00213 {
00214     //Do we have a log?
00215     if (!m_pLog)
00216         return;
00218     //Format the msg
00219     std::string sMsg;
00220     sMsg=FormatData(rClass,
00221                     rMethod,
00222                     rMessage,
00223                     false);
00224 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: