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  • Redirect SSL connection and modify decrypted data
  • Browser shows "SSL lock" without warnings


CSocketThreadManager Class Reference

#include <SocketThreadManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for CSocketThreadManager:
Collaboration diagram for CSocketThreadManager:

List of all members.


struct  _ThreadData
struct  _ThreadDataExtend
struct  _TimeoutData
struct  _TimerID

Public Types

typedef TimeoutProc LPTimeoutProc
typedef struct
typedef void(* TimeoutProc )(LPVOID pParam)

Public Member Functions

void SetCleanTimeout (DWORD dwTimeout)
BOOL IsInitialized () const
unsigned long GetNumberOfThreads () const
const std::string & GetClassName () const
BOOL ReSetTimeout (const TimerID &rTimerID)
BOOL RemoveTimeout (TimerID &aTimerID, BOOL bInvokeDeleteProc=FALSE)
TimerID RegisterTimeout (int iMS, LPTimeoutProc pProc, LPVOID pData, BOOL bClearTimeout=FALSE, HWND hHandle=NULL, TimerID *pTimer=NULL, LPTimeoutProc pDeleteProc=NULL)
void DecreaseSocketCount (HWND hWindowHandle, BOOL bFreeze=FALSE)
void DecreaseTimeoutCount (HWND hWindowHandle, BOOL bFreeze=FALSE)
HWND GetWindowHandle (BOOL bTimeout=FALSE)
const CGenericThreadGetThreadByHWND (HWND hWindowHandle) const
BOOL Initialize (unsigned long ulThreadCount, LPCSTR lpClassName)
BOOL Uninitialize ()
 CSocketThreadManager (HINSTANCE hInstance)
virtual ~CSocketThreadManager ()
void SetLocalLog (CErrorLog *pLog, bool bWriteToMain=false)
void WriteError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError) const
void WriteMessage (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const

Static Public Member Functions

static CErrorHandlerGetSecondaryLog ()
static CErrorHandlerGetThirdLog ()
static void ClearStaticLogs ()
static std::string GetCurrentDateTime ()
static std::string ErrorCodeToString (DWORD dwErrorCode)
static void RegisterError (DWORD dwErrorCode, const std::string &rDescription)
static void SetLog (CErrorLog *pLog)
static void WriteStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rError)
static void WriteStaticMessage (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)
static std::string FormatData (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMsgOrError, bool bError=true)

Protected Types

typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef std::map< unsigned int,
typedef struct

Protected Member Functions

virtual void ParseDispatchMessage (const MSG &rMsg, ThreadData *pData)
virtual void CreateExtendedData (ThreadDataExtend &rData)
virtual void DeleteExtendedData (ThreadDataExtend &rData)
ThreadDataGetDataByHWND (HWND hHandle) const
void WriteMessage (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, const std::string &rAdditionalData) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, int iErrorCode) const
virtual void ReportError (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, int iErrorCode) const
virtual void ReportErrorOS (const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage) const
void SetName (const std::string &rName) const

Static Protected Member Functions

static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod)
static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)
static void ReportStaticError (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage, DWORD dwAdditionalData)
static void ReportStaticErrorOS (const std::string &rClass, const std::string &rMethod, const std::string &rMessage)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 61 of file SocketThreadManager.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* CSocketThreadManager::TimeoutProc)(LPVOID pParam)

typedef std::map<unsigned int,TimeoutData> CSocketThreadManager::TOMap [protected]

Definition at line 168 of file SocketThreadManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSocketThreadManager::CSocketThreadManager ( HINSTANCE  hInstance  ) 

Definition at line 68 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00068                                                               : CErrorHandler(),
00069                                                                   m_ulThreadCount(0),
00070                                                                   m_hInstance(hInstance),
00071                                                                   m_pThreadData(NULL),
00072                                                                   m_pCSection(NULL),
00073                                                                   m_bStaticClass(FALSE),
00074                                                                   m_bInitialized(FALSE),
00075                                                                   m_dwCleanTimeout(THREADS_TIMEOUT)
00076 {
00077     try
00078     {
00079         //Set the class name
00080         SetName(CSocketThreadManager_Class);
00082         //Create the critical section
00083         m_pCSection=COSManager::CreateCriticalSection();
00084     }
00085     ERROR_HANDLER("CSocketThreadManager")
00086 }

CSocketThreadManager::~CSocketThreadManager (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 99 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00100 {
00101     try
00102     {
00103         //Are we initialized
00104         if (m_bInitialized)
00105             Uninitialize();
00107         //Delete the CS
00108         delete m_pCSection;
00109     }
00110     ERROR_HANDLER("~CSocketThreadManager")
00111 }

Member Function Documentation

void CErrorHandler::ClearStaticLogs (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 680 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00681 {
00682     //Delete the logs
00683     delete m_pSecondLevelLog;
00684     m_pSecondLevelLog=NULL;
00686     delete m_pThirdLevelLog;
00687     m_pThirdLevelLog=NULL;
00688 }

void CSocketThreadManager::CreateExtendedData ( ThreadDataExtend rData  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CSocketThreadManagerImp.

Definition at line 1018 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

01019 {
01020 }

void CSocketThreadManager::DecreaseSocketCount ( HWND  hWindowHandle,
BOOL  bFreeze = FALSE 

Definition at line 550 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00552 {
00553     try
00554     {
00555         //First find the window handle
00556         int iIndex;
00557         iIndex=GetIndexByHWND(hWindowHandle);
00559         //Check it's valid
00560         if (!iIndex)
00561             return;
00563         //Enter the critical section
00564         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00566         //Decrement the socket count
00567         if (m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].iSocketCount>0)
00568         {
00569             --m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].iSocketCount;
00570             m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].bFreeze=bFreeze;
00571         }
00572     }
00573     ERROR_HANDLER("DecreaseSocketCount")
00574 }

void CSocketThreadManager::DecreaseTimeoutCount ( HWND  hWindowHandle,
BOOL  bFreeze = FALSE 

Definition at line 576 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00578 {
00579     try
00580     {
00581         //First find the window handle
00582         int iIndex;
00583         iIndex=GetIndexByHWND(hWindowHandle);
00585         //Check it's valid
00586         if (!iIndex)
00587             return;
00589         //Enter the critical section
00590         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00592         //Decrement the socket count
00593         if (m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].iTimeoutCount>0)
00594         {
00595             --m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].iTimeoutCount;
00596             m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].bFreeze=bFreeze;
00597         }
00598     }
00599     ERROR_HANDLER("DecreaseTimeoutCount")
00600 }

void CSocketThreadManager::DeleteExtendedData ( ThreadDataExtend rData  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CSocketThreadManagerImp.

Definition at line 1022 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

01023 {
01024 }

std::string CErrorHandler::ErrorCodeToString ( DWORD  dwErrorCode  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 251 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00252 {
00253     try
00254     {
00255         //Try to look it in the errors
00256         if (!CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().empty())
00257         {
00258             //Search
00259             CErrorsRepository::ErrorMap::const_iterator aIterator;
00260             aIterator=CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().find(dwErrorCode);
00262             //Do we have it
00263             if (aIterator!=CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().end())
00264                 return aIterator->second;
00265         }
00267         //Get the error string
00268         LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
00269         FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | 
00270                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | 
00271                       FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
00272                       NULL,
00273                       dwErrorCode,
00274                       MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
00275                       (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
00276                       0,
00277                       NULL);
00279         //Save it
00280         std::string sMessage;
00282         //Do we have the message?
00283         if (lpMsgBuf)
00284         {
00285             //Save it
00286             sMessage=(char*)lpMsgBuf;
00288             //Release the buffer
00289             LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
00290         }
00291         else
00292             //Failed to find
00293             sMessage="No error description found!";
00295         //Done
00296         return sMessage;
00297     }
00298     catch (...)
00299     {
00300         return "Unknown";
00301     }
00302 }

std::string CErrorHandler::FormatData ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMsgOrError,
bool  bError = true 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 145 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00149 {
00150     //Our message
00151     std::string sMsg;
00153     //Is it an error?
00154     if (bError)
00155         sMsg="*** Error *** ";
00156     else
00157         sMsg="###  Msg  ### ";
00159     //Add the data now
00160     sMsg+="in "+rClass;
00161     sMsg+="::"+rMethod;
00162     sMsg+=" - " + rMsgOrError;
00164     //Done
00165     return sMsg;
00166 }

const std::string & CSocketThreadManager::GetClassName (  )  const

Reimplemented from CErrorHandler.

Definition at line 996 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00997 {
00998     return m_sClassName;
00999 }

std::string CErrorHandler::GetCurrentDateTime (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 622 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00623 {
00624     try
00625     {
00626         //Our string
00627         std::string sDate;
00629         //Our tmp buf
00630         char cTmp[128];
00632         //Get date
00633         _strdate(cTmp);
00634         sDate=cTmp;
00635         sDate+=' ';
00637         //Get time
00638         _strtime(cTmp);
00639         sDate+=cTmp;
00641         //Done
00642         return sDate;
00643     }
00644     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC_RETURN(CErrorHandler_Class,"GetCurrentDateTime","")
00645 }

CSocketThreadManager::ThreadData * CSocketThreadManager::GetDataByHWND ( HWND  hHandle  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 602 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00603 {
00604     try
00605     {
00606         //Get the index
00607         int iIndex;
00608         iIndex=GetIndexByHWND(hHandle);
00610         //Do we have it?
00611         if (iIndex)
00612             return &m_pThreadData[iIndex-1];
00613         else
00614             return NULL;
00615     }
00617 }

unsigned long CSocketThreadManager::GetNumberOfThreads (  )  const

Definition at line 1006 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

01007 {
01008     return m_ulThreadCount;
01009 }

CErrorHandler * CErrorHandler::GetSecondaryLog (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 658 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00659 {
00660     //Do we have log
00661     if (!m_pSecondLevelLog)
00662         //Create it
00663         m_pSecondLevelLog=new CErrorHandler;
00665     //Return it
00666     return m_pSecondLevelLog;
00667 }

CErrorHandler * CErrorHandler::GetThirdLog (  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 669 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00670 {
00671     //Do we have log
00672     if (!m_pThirdLevelLog)
00673         //Create it
00674         m_pThirdLevelLog=new CErrorHandler;
00676     //Return it
00677     return m_pThirdLevelLog;
00678 }

const CGenericThread * CSocketThreadManager::GetThreadByHWND ( HWND  hWindowHandle  )  const

Definition at line 529 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00530 {
00531     try
00532     {
00533         //First find the window handle
00534         int iIndex;
00535         iIndex=GetIndexByHWND(hWindowHandle);
00537         //Check it's valid
00538         if (!iIndex)
00539             return NULL;
00541         //Enter the critical section
00542         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00544         //Return the thread
00545         return m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].pThread;
00546     }
00548 }

HWND CSocketThreadManager::GetWindowHandle ( BOOL  bTimeout = FALSE  ) 

Definition at line 500 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00501 {   
00502     try
00503     {
00504         //Shared resource
00505         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00507         //Get the freeiest index
00508         int iIndex;
00509         iIndex=GetMostAvailableThread();
00511         //Check it's valid
00512         if (!iIndex)
00513             //Quit
00514             return 0;
00516         //Check what to increase
00517         if (bTimeout)
00518             ++m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].iTimeoutCount;
00519         else
00520             //Increase the socket count
00521             ++m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].iSocketCount;
00523         //Done
00524         return m_pThreadData[iIndex-1].hWindowHandle;
00525     }
00526     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("GetWindowHandle",0)
00527 }

BOOL CSocketThreadManager::Initialize ( unsigned long  ulThreadCount,
LPCSTR  lpClassName 

Definition at line 113 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00115 {
00116     try
00117     {
00118         //Are we initialized?
00119         if (m_bInitialized)
00120         {
00121             //Report it
00122             ReportError("Initialize","Already initialized!");
00124             //Exit
00125             return FALSE;
00126         }
00128         //Check the number of threads
00129         if (ulThreadCount>MAX_THREADS)
00130         {
00131             //Report it
00132             ReportError("Initialize","Too many threads to spawn!");
00134             //Exit
00135             return FALSE;
00136         }
00138         //Check the number of threads
00139         if (!ulThreadCount)
00140         {
00141             //Report it
00142             ReportError("Initialize","Can't have zero threads!");
00144             //Exit
00145             return FALSE;
00146         }
00148         //Save the count
00149         m_ulThreadCount=ulThreadCount;
00151         //Try to spawn the threads
00152         return SpawnThreads(lpClassName);
00153     }
00154     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("Initialize",FALSE)
00155 }

BOOL CSocketThreadManager::IsInitialized (  )  const

Definition at line 1001 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

01002 {
01003     return m_bInitialized;
01004 }

void CSocketThreadManager::ParseDispatchMessage ( const MSG &  rMsg,
ThreadData pData 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CSocketThreadManagerImp.

Definition at line 1011 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

01013 {
01014     //Just dispatch it
01015     DispatchMessage(&rMsg);
01016 }

void CErrorHandler::RegisterError ( DWORD  dwErrorCode,
const std::string &  rDescription 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 647 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00649 {
00650     try
00651     {
00652         //Add the error
00653         CErrorsRepository::GetInstance().GetErrorsMap().insert(CErrorsRepository::ErrorMap::value_type(dwErrorCode,rDescription));
00654     }
00655     ERROR_HANDLER_STATIC(CErrorHandler_Class,"RegisterError")
00656 }

CSocketThreadManager::TimerID CSocketThreadManager::RegisterTimeout ( int  iMS,
LPTimeoutProc  pProc,
LPVOID  pData,
BOOL  bClearTimeout = FALSE,
HWND  hHandle = NULL,
TimerID pTimer = NULL,
LPTimeoutProc  pDeleteProc = NULL 

Definition at line 714 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00721 {
00722     TimerID aTimerID;
00723     aTimerID.iIndex=0;
00725     try
00726     {
00727         //Do we have a timer ?
00728         if (pTimer)
00729             memset(pTimer,0,sizeof(TimerID));
00731         int iIndex;
00733         //Create the data structure (to save time on the CS)
00734         TimeoutData aData;
00735         aData.pTimeoutProc=pProc;
00736         aData.pData=pData;
00737         aData.bClearTimeout=bClearTimeout;
00738         aData.pTimer=pTimer;
00739         aData.pDeleteProc=pDeleteProc;
00741         //Enter the CS
00742         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pCSection);
00744         //Do we have a handle
00745         if (hHandle)
00746         {
00747             //Get it
00748             iIndex=GetIndexByHWND(hHandle);
00750             //Do we have it
00751             if (!iIndex)
00752             {
00753                 //Report it
00754                 ReportError("RegisterTimeout","Failed to find handle!");
00756                 //Exit
00757                 return aTimerID;
00758             }
00759             else
00760                 --iIndex;           
00761         }
00762         else
00763         {
00764             //Get the handler
00765             iIndex=GetMostAvailableThread();
00767             //Check it's legal
00768             if (!iIndex)
00769             {
00770                 //Report the error
00771                 ReportError("RegisterTimeout","Failed to find thread!");
00773                 //Quit
00774                 return aTimerID;
00775             }
00777             //Reset the index
00778             --iIndex;
00779         }
00781         //Our timer ID
00782         unsigned int iTimerID;
00783         iTimerID=0;
00785         //Timer counter
00786         static int sTimerCounter=1000000;
00788         //Get the timerID
00789         int iSetTimerID;
00790         iSetTimerID=sTimerCounter++;
00792         //Lock the thread data
00793         CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease2(m_pThreadData[iIndex].pCSection);
00795         //Increase the timeout count
00796         ++m_pThreadData[iIndex].iTimeoutCount;
00798         //Register the data
00799         m_pThreadData[iIndex].pMap.insert(TOMap::value_type(iSetTimerID,aData));
00801         //Exit the CS
00802         aRelease2.Exit();
00803         aRelease.Exit();
00805         //Register the timeout
00806         iTimerID=SetTimer(m_pThreadData[iIndex].hWindowHandle,
00807                           iSetTimerID,
00808                           iMS,
00809                           NULL);
00811         //Check we have the timer
00812         if (!iTimerID)
00813         {
00814             {
00815                 //Remove it
00816                 //Lock the thread data
00817                 CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease2(m_pThreadData[iIndex].pCSection);
00819                 //Increase the timeout count
00820                 --m_pThreadData[iIndex].iTimeoutCount;
00822                 //Register the data
00823                 m_pThreadData[iIndex].pMap.erase(iSetTimerID);
00824             }
00826             //Write the error
00827             ReportError("RegisterTimeout","Failed to create the timer!");
00829             //Quit
00830             return aTimerID;
00831         }
00833         //Create the data
00834         aTimerID.iTimerID=iSetTimerID;
00835         aTimerID.iIndex=iIndex+1;
00836         aTimerID.iMS=iMS;
00838         //Do we have a timer ?
00839         if (pTimer)
00840             memcpy(pTimer,&aTimerID,sizeof(aTimerID));
00842         //Done
00843         return aTimerID;
00844     }
00845     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("RegisterTimeout",aTimerID)
00846 }

BOOL CSocketThreadManager::RemoveTimeout ( TimerID aTimerID,
BOOL  bInvokeDeleteProc = FALSE 

Definition at line 848 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00850 {
00851     //Check it's a valid timeout
00852     if (!aTimerID.iIndex)
00853     {
00854         //Write the error
00855         ReportError("RemoveTimeout","Received invalid TimerID");
00857         //Quit
00858         return FALSE;
00859     }
00861     try
00862     {
00863         //First unregister the timer
00864         if (!KillTimer(m_pThreadData[aTimerID.iIndex-1].hWindowHandle,
00865                        aTimerID.iTimerID))
00866             //Report it
00867             ReportErrorOS("RemoveTimeout","Failed to delete timer!");
00869         {
00870             //Lock the timeout manager
00871             CCriticalAutoRelease aRelease(m_pThreadData[aTimerID.iIndex-1].pCSection);
00873             //Do we need to invoke the delete proc?
00874             if (!bInvokeDeleteProc)
00875                 //No remove from the map
00876                 m_pThreadData[aTimerID.iIndex-1].pMap.erase(aTimerID.iTimerID);
00877             else
00878             {
00879                 //We need to look for the data
00880                 TOMap::iterator aIterator;
00881                 aIterator=m_pThreadData[aTimerID.iIndex-1].pMap.find(aTimerID.iTimerID);
00883                 //Do we have it?
00884                 if (aIterator!=m_pThreadData[aTimerID.iIndex-1].pMap.end())
00885                 {
00886                     //Do we have the delete proc?
00887                     if (aIterator->second.pDeleteProc)
00888                         //Invoke it
00889                         (*aIterator->second.pDeleteProc)(aIterator->second.pData);
00891                     //Remove the entry
00892                     m_pThreadData[aTimerID.iIndex-1].pMap.erase(aIterator);
00893                 }
00894                 else
00895                     //Report it
00896                     ReportError("RemoveTimeout","Failed to find data!");
00897             }
00899             //Decrease the count
00900             --m_pThreadData[aTimerID.iIndex-1].iTimeoutCount;
00902             //Set the old timer ID
00903             aTimerID.iIndex=0;
00904             aTimerID.iMS=0;
00905             aTimerID.iTimerID=0;
00906         }
00908         //Done 
00909         return TRUE;
00910     }
00911     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("RemoveTimeout",FALSE)
00912 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 304 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00307 {
00308     if (!GetLog())
00309         return;
00311     try
00312     {
00313         //Convert the error code
00314         char aTmp[11];
00315         sprintf(aTmp,"%d",iErrorCode);
00317         //Get the string for it
00318         std::string sError;
00319         sError=rMessage;
00320         sError+=", and Socket error: ";
00321         sError+=aTmp;
00322         sError+=", ";
00323         sError+=ErrorCodeToString(iErrorCode);
00325         //Report to the log
00326         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00327                    rMethod,
00328                    sError);
00329     }
00330     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00331 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
int  iErrorCode 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 333 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00335 {
00336     if (!GetLog())
00337         return;
00339     try
00340     {
00341         //Convert the error code
00342         char aTmp[11];
00343         sprintf(aTmp,"%d",iErrorCode);
00345         //Get the string for it
00346         std::string sError;
00347         sError="Socket error: ";
00348         sError+=aTmp;
00349         sError+=", ";
00350         sError+=ErrorCodeToString(iErrorCode);
00352         //Report to the log
00353         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00354                    rMethod,
00355                    sError);
00356     }
00357     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00358 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
const std::string &  rAdditionalData 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 461 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00464 {
00465     if (!GetLog())
00466         return;
00468     try
00469     {
00470         //Create the new message
00471         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00472         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00473         sNewMessage+=rAdditionalData;
00475         //Report to the log
00476         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00477                    rMethod,
00478                    sNewMessage);
00479     }
00480     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00481 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
DWORD  dwAdditionalData 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 483 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00486 {
00487     if (!GetLog())
00488         return;
00490     try
00491     {
00492         //Convert the number
00493         char aTmp[11];
00494         ltoa(dwAdditionalData,aTmp,10);
00496         //Create the new message
00497         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00498         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00499         sNewMessage+=aTmp;
00501         //Report to the log
00502         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00503                    rMethod,
00504                    sNewMessage);
00505     }
00506     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00507 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 376 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00378 {
00379     if (!GetLog())
00380         return;
00382     try
00383     {
00384         //Report to the log
00385         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00386                    rMethod,
00387                    rMessage);
00388     }
00389     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00390 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportError ( const std::string &  rMethod  )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 515 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00516 {
00517     if (!GetLog())
00518         return;
00520     try
00521     {
00522         //Get the last error
00523         DWORD dwLastError;
00524         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00526         //Report the error
00527         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00528                    rMethod,
00529                    ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError));
00530     }
00531     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportError")
00532 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportErrorOS ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 427 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00429 {
00430     if (!GetLog())
00431         return;
00433     try
00434     {
00435         //Get the last error
00436         DWORD dwLastError;
00437         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00439         //Format the message
00440         std::string sMessage;
00441         sMessage=rMessage;
00442         sMessage+=", with error code: ";
00444         //Convert the error code
00445         char aTmp[11];
00446         itoa(dwLastError,aTmp,10);
00448         //Add it again
00449         sMessage+=aTmp;
00450         sMessage+=" ";
00451         sMessage+=ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError);
00453         //Report to the log
00454         WriteError(m_sClassName,
00455                    rMethod,
00456                    sMessage);
00457     }
00458     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportErrorOS")
00459 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage,
DWORD  dwAdditionalData 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 590 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00594 {
00595     if (!m_pLog)
00596         return;
00598     try
00599     {
00600         //Convert the number
00601         char aTmp[11];
00602         ltoa(dwAdditionalData,aTmp,10);
00604         //Create the new message
00605         std::string sNewMessage(rMessage);
00606         sNewMessage+=", Additional data: ";
00607         sNewMessage+=aTmp;
00609         //Report to the log
00610         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00611                          rMethod,
00612                          sNewMessage);
00613     }
00614     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00615 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 573 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00576 {
00577     if (!m_pLog)
00578         return;
00580     try
00581     {
00582         //Report to the log
00583         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00584                          rMethod,
00585                          rMessage);
00586     }
00587     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00588 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 553 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00555 {
00556     if (!m_pLog)
00557         return;
00559     try
00560     {
00561         //Get the last error
00562         DWORD dwLastError;
00563         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00565         //Report the error
00566         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00567                           rMethod,
00568                           ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError));
00569     }
00570     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00571 }

void CErrorHandler::ReportStaticErrorOS ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 392 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00395 {
00396     if (!m_pLog)
00397         return;
00399     try
00400     {
00401         //Get the last error
00402         DWORD dwLastError;
00403         dwLastError=GetLastError();
00405         //Format the message
00406         std::string sMessage;
00407         sMessage=rMessage;
00408         sMessage+=", with error code: ";
00410         //Convert the error code
00411         char aTmp[11];
00412         itoa(dwLastError,aTmp,10);
00414         //Add it again
00415         sMessage+=aTmp;
00416         sMessage+=" ";
00417         sMessage+=ErrorCodeToString(dwLastError);
00419         //Report to the log
00420         WriteStaticError(rClass,
00421                          rMethod,
00422                          sMessage);
00423     }
00424     ERROR_UNKNOWN("ReportStaticError")
00425 }

BOOL CSocketThreadManager::ReSetTimeout ( const TimerID rTimerID  ) 

Definition at line 965 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00966 {
00967     //Check if anyone is smartass
00968     if (!rTimerID.iTimerID)
00969     {
00970         //Report it
00971         ReportError("ReSetTimeout","Someone send an empty TimerID!");
00973         //And exit
00974         return FALSE;
00975     }
00977     try
00978     {
00979         //Reset the timer
00980         int iResult;
00981         iResult=SetTimer(m_pThreadData[rTimerID.iIndex-1].hWindowHandle,
00982                          rTimerID.iTimerID,
00983                          rTimerID.iMS,
00984                          NULL);
00986         //Check the result
00987         if (!iResult)
00988             ReportError("ReSetTimeout","Failed to reset the timeout!");
00990         //Done
00991         return iResult!=0;
00992     }
00993     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("ReSetTimeout",FALSE)
00994 }

void CSocketThreadManager::SetCleanTimeout ( DWORD  dwTimeout  ) 

Definition at line 1026 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

01027 {
01028     m_dwCleanTimeout=dwTimeout;
01029 }

void CErrorHandler::SetLocalLog ( CErrorLog pLog,
bool  bWriteToMain = false 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 543 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00545 {
00546     //Save the log
00547     m_pLocalLog=pLog;
00549     //Save the write to main flag
00550     m_bWriteToMain=bWriteToMain;
00551 }

void CErrorHandler::SetLog ( CErrorLog pLog  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 509 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00510 {
00511     //Save the new log
00512     m_pLog=pLog;
00513 }

void CErrorHandler::SetName ( const std::string &  rName  )  const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 139 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00140 {
00141     //Save the class name
00142     m_sClassName=rName;
00143 }

BOOL CSocketThreadManager::Uninitialize (  ) 

Definition at line 157 of file SocketThreadManager.cpp.

00158 {
00159     try
00160     {
00161         //Are we initialized?
00162         if (!m_bInitialized)
00163             return TRUE;
00165         //Are we a static class
00166         if (m_bStaticClass)
00167             //Deallocate the class
00168             UnregisterClass();
00169         else
00170             //Delete the thread data
00171             CleanThreads(FALSE);
00173         //Unitialized
00174         m_bInitialized=FALSE;
00176         //Done
00177         return TRUE;
00178     }
00179     ERROR_HANDLER_RETURN("Uninitialize",FALSE)
00180 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rError 
) const [inherited]

Definition at line 168 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00171 {
00172     //Do we have a log?
00173     if (!GetLog())
00174         return;
00176     //Format the msg
00177     std::string sError;
00178     sError=FormatData(rClass,
00179                       rMethod,
00180                       rError);
00182     //Write it
00183     GetLog()->WriteError(sError);
00185     //Write to main
00186     if (m_bWriteToMain &&
00187         m_pLog)
00188         //Write it
00189         m_pLog->WriteError(sError);
00190 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteMessage ( const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 360 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00362 {
00363     if (!GetLog())
00364         return;
00366     try
00367     {
00368         //Report to the log
00369         WriteMessage(m_sClassName,
00370                      rMethod,
00371                      rMessage);
00372     }
00373     ERROR_UNKNOWN("WriteMessage")
00374 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteMessage ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) const [inherited]

Definition at line 226 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00229 {
00230     //Do we have a log?
00231     if (!GetLog())
00232         return;
00234     //Format the msg
00235     std::string sMsg;
00236     sMsg=FormatData(rClass,
00237                     rMethod,
00238                     rMessage,
00239                     false);
00241     //Write it
00242     GetLog()->WriteMessage(sMsg);
00244     //Write to main
00245     if (m_bWriteToMain &&
00246         m_pLog)
00247         //Write it
00248         m_pLog->WriteMessage(sMsg);
00249 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteStaticError ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rError 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 192 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00195 {
00196     //Do we have a log?
00197     if (!m_pLog)
00198         return;
00200     //Format the msg
00201     std::string sError;
00202     sError=FormatData(rClass,
00203                       rMethod,
00204                       rError);
00206     //Write it
00207     m_pLog->WriteError(sError);
00208 }

void CErrorHandler::WriteStaticMessage ( const std::string &  rClass,
const std::string &  rMethod,
const std::string &  rMessage 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 210 of file ErrorHandler.cpp.

00213 {
00214     //Do we have a log?
00215     if (!m_pLog)
00216         return;
00218     //Format the msg
00219     std::string sMsg;
00220     sMsg=FormatData(rClass,
00221                     rMethod,
00222                     rMessage,
00223                     false);
00224 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: